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The IUP Journal of Information Technology
Implementing Constraints in Entity-Relationship Models for Enhancing Normalization

Normalization is a significant aspect of relational database theory. It organizes the data to make the database easy to manage. Normalizing a database enables the user to create relationship strands between the pieces of information and eliminates redundancies. In this paper, an algorithm is presented, which if used in Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) leads to database that is always be in a normalized form. In this algorithm, some constraints are imposed so that the Entity Relationship (ER) model when mapped to relational database leads to a normalized database. This paper enhances the process of normalization by proposing an algorithm up to the third normal form.


The database system has three models, i.e., conceptual database, logical database and physical database. Conceptual database models are for each view of real world problems, e.g., Entity Relationship (ER) model. Logical database deals with the construction of data model, e.g., relational database schema. Physical database describes file organization and indexes design. A clear distinction is made between the logical and physical model of database. It is the logical view that is clearly understood by the users who are not database developers. Data is stored in tables which constitutes attributes. Each attribute belongs to a particular domain. Attributes that are in the same column are said to be members of a set. Attributes in the same row are members of an ordered n-tuple. A relation is formed by n-tuples in the table. One or more columns form a key of the table that uniquely determines each relation (Rocket U2, 2010). Relational database design, like database design using any other data model, is far from being a completely automated process in the current state of database technology. It is an activity that requires the close attention of the database designer, who may be one individual, example DBA, or a team working with DBA. This activity consists of identifying that portion of the enterprise for which the database application is being designed: the entity sets, their attributes, the domain on which attributes are defined, and the constraint that these attributes have to satisfy. Then the design of the relational scheme can begin (Ramez and Shamkant, 2007). Two approaches are generally used in designing a relational database, the decomposition approach and the synthesis approach. The decomposition approach starts with universal relation and the associated set of constraints in the form of functional dependencies, multivalued dependencies and join dependencies, whereas the synthesis approach starts with a set of functional dependencies on a set of attributes.


Information Technology Journal, Functional dependency, Normalization, ER model, Constraints, RDBMS.